DJ Badger:  The News and the Journal

Entry Six.
Sunday 2002.06.22 11:33 PM CST.
Disappointment During the Day + A Special Surprise At Night.  (Southpaw Jones News...)

ell, the day started out on a downnote.  I overslept, so I didn't make it out to the recycler like I intended.  I'd been cleaning my apartment this weekend for a first meeting with a young lady friend of mine from the Net.  The arrangement was that she would call before driving to Tulsa (she lived around 40 miles away) and then she'd call me when she arrived at the nearby Barnes + Noble, around 3:00 - 4:00 PM.  Then, I'd go out to Barnes + Noble, take her out to the park, and follow it up with a nice dinner.

Yep, that was the plan.

Unfortunately, she had other plans.  Her's were apparently more like this:
1)  I'd spend the weekend getting ready for her visit.
2)  She wouldn't show up, call, or e-mail whatsoever.
3)  A good laugh would be had by all, that is, if by "all" one was referring to HER.

So, I was obviously pretty torqued off, since by around 6:00 PM, she had never bothered to attempt any form of contact (and, as of the time of this writing, she still hasn't).  I figured that the time had finally come in my life that I needed to just give up and start "using women like Shake + Bake bags," as the late Sam Kinison so eloquently put it many years ago.  Or, maybe not.

Instead of wrongly focusing my rage on the entire female gender, I decided that I was just going to go out to dinner, as planned, but by myself.  I called Bombay Dining, my favourite Indian place, but unfortunately the restaurant's owner, Islam (a wonderful gentleman and a great guy to chat with when I'm eating there alone) was not there tonight.

So, I had a plan B for emotional and nutritional fulfullment.  It would require donuts and egg salad.  I waited around my apartment, then ran out to the ever-popular Krispy Kreme (you may remember me saying "they're... freaking donuts" in Journal Entry Two).  By this point, it was around 9:00 PM or so, and - I kid you not - I was standing inside the Krispy Kreme behind about 25 other people waiting in line to get - yep - freaking donuts.  Maybe this makes me a hypocrite, but the way I see it, I had no idea that so many sheepies were going to be in line to the donut trough at that point at night, and by the time I'd made it out there, I'd already invested so much time that I thought I'd go ahead and wait.  (Incidentally, the donuts were quite tasty, and yes, I left some in the box for later in the week.)

Then, I headed out to the Gypsy Coffee House (see Entry Three) for another great egg salad sandwich.  While I was out there, though, I unexpectedly caught a performance by a young touring singer/guitarist named Southpaw Jones.  The show - in front of an audience of no more than 20 - was terrific.  He plowed through some extremely well-written tracks, with very clever and often extremely humourous lyrics.  He was able to play the acoustic guitar and harmonica simultaneously (something that always amazed me in other peformers), and balanced them very well.  I bought one of his CDs and had a brief discussion about how things were going with his career; he was a very polite young man and someone who exhibited a lot of potential.  Regretfully, I didn't ask him to autograph the CD, though I might catch him at a performance this Tuesday and see if he'll do so.  I'm also planning on buying another couple of CDs which are available through his Website,  If anyone else is interested in checking him out, please go to that site.  Obviously, his music will sound nothing like mine, but it's definitely worth a listen.

Well, I must sleep.  I have a big day at my day job tomorrow (yip-pee), and I still have lots of crap I've got to do around my apartment, i.e. more cleaning, and reviewing a lot more people's works on ACIDPlanet.
